Nourishing Lives:
A New Era of Dining
in Care Homes
A collaborative study by
apetito and Care England
Experience a fresh perspective on care home dining!
We are thrilled to announce our collaboration with Care England, introducing "Nourishing Lives: A New Era of Dining in Care Homes". A thoughtful approach to enhancing the dining experience for residents and caregivers.

Simply enter your email to download the research and unlock valuable insights to navigate the challenges currently being faced by care homes.
What you'll see in the report:
Addressing Common Challenges
1Managing costs is probably the single biggest issue facing care homes today. We have explored ways of saving costs without compromising on quality or nutrition.
Redefining the Dining Experience
Our report uncovered that 19% of care homes asked find it challenged to provide residents with a balanced diet across wide-ranging resident meals. This report signposts new thinking and creative solutions.
Empowering Staff Through Training
We understand the importance supporting staff in providing quality care. Guiding staff in best practice around mealtimes has highlighted remarkable results in mealtime participation and satisfaction.
Going Beyond Nutrition
At the heart of care home dining is more than just nutrition - from managing allergies to dietary diversity, catering for an array of dietary needs can be time intensive and complex. We suggest ways to help alleviate those burdens.
Embracing Diet Diversity
Every resident deserves a dining experience that is tailored to their individual preferences and requirements. Care homes should look to embrace diversity in diet as an opportunity to get creative and show off culinary skills.
Creating a Welcoming Atmosphere
The dining room is the heart of a care home. It's a space for residents to come together to share stories, laughter and good food. 80% of care homes say that mealtimes are the most important part of a resident's day.